Sunday, February 24, 2008

2/13/2008 Minutes

6pm: Discussion
Keynote speaker possibilities: Rockhill, Klein, Zaverich, Scholz
6:05pm: Vote on keynote speaker
Rockhill (6-1; first-round pick)
Scholz (1-6; first-round pick)
Klein (0-7; second-round pick)
Zaverich (0-7; second-round pick)
motion to ask keynote's participation in above precedence; motion moved
6:10pm: Date of Conference
Need abstracts and then will receive papers after accepted on basis of abstract alone
Abstract due date: March 10th; our response by March 17th, at the latest; person has three days to respond
with full paper
motion to set above in favor; advertise at local schools
6:30pm: Motion to ask Rockhill to be keynote on April 12th
6:39pm: Motion to have Tom design flyer
set in motion, all in favor
request St. David's room to host conference
6:47pm: motion to ask Rockhill on April 19th, or if he is unable, request April 12th
6:53pm: $100 to keynote speaker, $50 cash prize to best paper

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